Contact Us
Fill out the form below or email us at

Need assistance? Our FAQ’s page may have the answer that you are looking for. Still need assistance? Complete the Contact Us form or send us an email to and we will get back with you during our regular office hours.
Even though our offices may be closed, our website is fully automated and your order will be ready for download within a few minutes.
Here is a general idea of how long it will take for the barcode package including the barcode images to be ready for downloading.
1 to 999 barcodes will take approximately 2 minutes
1,000 to 9,999 barcodes will take approximately 2 to 5 minutes
10,000 to 100,000 will take approximately 5 minutes to 20 minutes
Larger orders take a few minutes longer to generate.
When your order is ready, you will receive an email advising that your barcode package is ready to be downloaded.
If you do not receive the email, check your spam/junk folder or simply log back into your account and download your order from your account center.