What size are the barcode images that Speedy Barcode provides and can I change the size?

We provide the digital images to you at 100%, which is approximately 1.5” wide x 1” tall. If you must change the size, the width should never go below 80% or 1.2”, but the height can be cropped down as small as you want, but we would not recommend going below .25”. Most people stop at .5” to make sure that they have enough of the lines left for it to be scannable. If you have the room or space, it is recommended that you do not change anything and use the barcode as we provide it.

The EPS file is the one that should be used in all of your graphic designs. Most people do not have the special software it takes to open this file type, but you should be able to open the JPG and PDF files which are also automatically provided. For best reproduction results, the EPS file should be sent to anyone that is creating your product packaging or your product label. They will have the graphic programs necessary to work with and open the EPS files.